General terms and conditions
General Information
These Terms and Conditions apply to the services and contracts provided by Stichting Swing Collective By registering, booking your ticket and attending Triple Step Madness you consent to:
- The Terms and Conditions of Triple Step Madness.
- Any photographs taken during Triple Step Madness to be used for future promotion and might appear on Facebook and other media.
- Behave according to our Code of Conduct.
- Triple Step Madness is not liable for theft or loss of goods. Lost and found items are kept for a certain period at the location or visitor address.
- By agreeing to the terms and conditions, you declare that you have no medical conditions such as heart, lung, or vascular diseases. If this is the case, please discuss the risks with the instructors in advance. Discuss any existing injuries or limitations with the course leader before the lesson.
- Our dance courses and events are physical activities. Engaging in physical activity carries a risk of injury and/or harm. Triple Step Madness excludes any liability for damage and physical injury, both to a visitor/participant and to any third party present, unless otherwise stipulated by mandatory law.
Force Majeure
- In the event of force majeure, we cannot fulfill our obligations. You cannot claim compensation.
Registration and workshops
- Your ticket is confirmed after the payment is completed by a registration/ payment confirmation email.
- There is no need to print the email, you will be on the list of participants but it is good to keep the email, remember your ID and have the booking link at hand.
- You can register for one ticket in one booking. If you wish to purchase more tickets, it is possible through a new registration booking.
- Triple Step Madness takes every effort to ensure the safety of the event participants. We have a zero tolerance policy towards behaviour that may pose a threat to the life, health or safety of others. We kindly ask anyone who witnesses such an event to contact the organization or designated safety person immediately.
- Triple Step Madness is not responsible for any damage or loss of personal goods during the workshop.
- Triple Step Madness cannot be held liable for any physical injuries incurred during the event.
- The organization does its best to keep a satisfactory balance lead/follow in class.
- Triple Step Madness reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the schedule before and throughout the event.
Cancellation policy
- Your ticket will be confirmed if we receive the payment.
- If we receive an incomplete payment we reserve the right to cancel your registration.
- In case of cancellation by the participant no refund will be given under any circumstances.
- If you need to cancel your registration for any reason, you can contact the organization by email: info@triplestepmadness.nl . The organization will make every effort to reassign your ticket using the waiting list. If successful, the (double) proceeds will be transferred to the person cancelling.
- If for any unforeseen reason the event is cancelled, we will partially refund the ticket (depending on the already incurred costs).
Video and Photography Recordings
- Any recordings of workshop content require approval of the teacher. Duplication or distribution of the content of workshops is only allowed with the permission of the teacher(s).
- Participants always have the right to inform the photographers or videographers at the event that they do not wish to be recorded.
By registering for Triple Step Madness every participant agrees to the use of any pictures or video material from the event for the purpose of public reporting on the event or the promotion of future events, including social media and the Triple Step Madness website. This consent includes also the consent to the use the recordings on our web pages.