Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Dancing is a social activity where you naturally get close to others and make contact with people. Therefore, it’s important to be mindful of how you interact with those around you, so everyone has a good time.
We assume that most people know what appropriate behavior is and expect everyone to act respectfully, politely, and with common sense, with the goal of creating a positive dance experience for themselves and others. Since everyone has different boundaries, we have established a few guidelines to help us all create a safe and welcoming environment.
Respect Yourself and Others
- When you dance, you invite people into your personal space and enter theirs. Be aware of this and treat your dance partners politely and with respect.
- Maintain good hygiene. A shower before dancing, an extra shirt, the use of deodorant, and a mint if you’ve eaten something with a strong taste can make the experience more pleasant for everyone.
- Be mindful of your physical needs. Ensure you get enough rest, pay attention to your health, and use hand sanitizer or wash your hands throughout the evening. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow.
- Never feel pressured to dance with someone if you’re uncomfortable. Everyone has the right to decline a dance for any reason. Be gracious whether you’re declining or being declined.
- Out of consideration for others, avoid giving unsolicited feedback, even in class. If something feels physically painful, inappropriate, or uncomfortable, kindly inform your partner so they can adjust. Do this with respect.
Floor Craft and Safety
- Both partners share the responsibility for avoiding collisions and injuries while dancing.
- If you accidentally bump into someone while dancing, apologize and check that they are okay. If they need help, inform the team.
- If you accidentally touch someone’s private areas, offer an apology.
- Though dancing carries some inherent risks, we are dedicated to preventing injuries. Unsafe dancing includes any actions that increase the risk of physical harm, such as grabbing, pushing, pulling, or any other forceful movements. This also includes leaning over your partner during dips or sudden weight-sharing when following. You may be asked to stop if your movements put anyone at risk. If you’re unsure about what constitutes unsafe dancing, please ask a team member or instructor.
- Except during jam circles, performances, and specific classes, aerials are not permitted on the dance floor.
Inappropriate Behavior
- Any form of intentional verbal or physical abuse is strictly prohibited.
- We have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, whether it’s based on gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religious beliefs, dance skill level, or dance role. This includes verbal or physical expressions, displaying sexual images in public spaces, intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disrupting workshops or events, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome sexual advances.
- If you feel uncomfortable, are being harassed, notice someone else being harassed, or have any other concerns, please reach out to the team immediately. They are always available to discuss any situation. If you feel uneasy in any situation, don’t hesitate to remove yourself from it.
We expect all event attendees—participants, staff, and instructors alike—to adhere to these guidelines both on the dance floor and during workshops. If these rules are violated, we reserve the right to remove the individual from the current and any future class, course, or event.
If you need assistance, please contact a team member. They will be recognizable by their ‘crew’ t-shirts. Stay safe and enjoy Triple Step Madness!
Stay safe and enjoy Triple Step Madness!